Getting there
Castle Hotel Lockenhaus
Eugen Horvath Platz 1
A – 7442 Lockenhaus
in the nature park Geschriebenstein, Burgenland, Austria
By car:
from the north: A2 southern Autobahn until the exit Guntramsdorf, then A3 to Eisenstadt, then S31 to Oberpullendorf, then B50 to Lockenhaus.
from the south: A2 southern Autobahn until the exit Oberwart, then continuing on B 50 direction Oberwart, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Bernstein, Langeck im Burgenland, Lockenhaus (or as above on the B 55)
Public Transport:
The direct Bus B23 goes from Wien Hauptbahnhof (Busbahnhof Wiedner Gürtel) to Lockenhaus Hauptplatz. From there it is a 15 to 20 min walk up the hill to the castle. Best walk down „Lisztpromenade“ and cross the bridge before the „Sportplatz“, it´s a short cut.
direct buses departures 2024:
Thursday: Bus B23 at 16.10 (arr. 17:52), 17:10 (arr. 18:52), 18:10 (arr. 19:52)
Friday: Bus B23 at 13:10 (arr.14:52), 15:10 (arr. 16:52), 17.10 (arr. 18:52)
Saturday: 9:10 (arr. 10:52)
Bus 24 with change in Steinberg/Rabnitz to Bus 14:
Friday: 7:20 Wien Hbf (arrives at „Lockenhaus B50/B55“ stop at 09:09)
For further options see
Getting a lift:
Please go to our FB group and post your request or your offer there! We cannot monitor/coordinate the journeys of everyone, sorry!
Please note participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. A variety of rooms and apartements are available at the castle hotel or in the town of Lockenhaus.
When booking, please state that you are staying for the workshop. Please book rooms as soon as possible as the hotel sells out quickly.
The appartements/family rooms are equipped with a small self-catering kitchen. Half board, full board or breakfast only is available from the castle tavern restaurant at a surcharge. The restaurant also offers a lá carte menu.
Further information:
This year we will offer one communal meal per day for all workshop participants, friends, family and guests. We would like to ask you for a € 15,- contribution per person per meal and to let us know in advance whether or not you will come to participate (also if „as guest only“), so we can plan ahead (registration form). There will be a warm meal (most likely stew) on Friday, buffet (in a restaurant) on Saturday before the evening concert and a large „Music Brunch“ on Sunday during the day.
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available at reasonable prices, coffee, homemade cake and snacks will also be offered during the workshop breaks to provide you with new energy. All the profits go towards the workshops, so you are helping the event by not bringing your own.